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About Us

Ecker + Ecker was founded in 2011 by Dr. Thomas Ecker, Dr. Christof Ecker, and Dr. Claudia Pütz. Together with Janine Leismann and Dr. Florentin Köhnemann they form the executive board. From their long years of experience as consultants, they have gained a profound expertise in the German healthcare environment. 

With a team of interdisciplinary experts they follow a future-oriented consulting approach, combining their experience in the industry with new ideas and pathways.  


Ecker + Ecker has a permanent staff of about 90 experts, all of them holding post-graduate degrees in pharmacy, biology, biochemistry, or health economics.

They have several years of consulting experience in healthcare as well as expert knowledge of the market for pharmaceuticals in Germany, and are supported by an experienced team which provides legal back-up, statistics, and research services.


The Executive Board



European Partner Network

The European partner network of Ecker + Ecker consists of consulting firms with 250 consultants in total. It provides market access in 30 European countries with one central contact.

Das europäische Partnernetzwerk von Ecker + Ecker als Karte