
Ecker + Ecker GmbH
Warburgstr. 50
20354 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (40) 41 330 81-0
Fax: +49 (40) 41 330 81-69


How to find us





From Hamburg airport

The easiest way is to take a taxi to Warburgstraße 50 (about 20 minutes travel time).

From Hamburg Dammtor (train station)

Take a taxi to Warburgstraße 50 (about 3 minutes travel time) or have a short walk (about 5 minutes): leave the train station following the sign "Theodor-Heuss-Platz" and cross the street in the direction of the gas station (Shell). Then turn right into "Alsterterrasse" and thereafter into the second street to the left "Warburgstraße". At the end of the street you will find our office on the right-hand side.

From Hamburg central station

Take a taxi to Warburgstraße 50 (about 10 minutes travel time) or take S-Bahn S2 (direction Altona) or S5 (direction Elbgaustraße) to Dammtor station (one stop from Hamburg central station).

By car

Travel towards Zentrum / Hauptbahnhof until you arrive at the central station (Hauptbahnhof). From there, follow the direction to Dammtor railway station. When you reach Dammtor station, turn to the right into "Mittelweg" and then again right into "Klein Fontenay", which leads directly to Warburgstraße. 

There are only few parking possibilities close to our office. We can provide parking space upon request. For details please give us a call.


Please contact

Martina Barz

Martina Barz
Phone +49 (40) 41 33 081-44



Dr. Thomas Ecker
Phone +49 (40) 41 33 081-10