


  • Active Substance: Sorafenib
  • Name: Nexavar®
  • Therapeutic area: Thyroid carcinoma
  • Pharmaceutical company: Bayer Pharma AG


Time table:

  • Publication of final assessment: 17.03.2015


Assessment information:

  • Title: Sorafenib for the treatment of progressive, locally advanced or metastatic, differentiated (papillary/follicular/Hürthle cell) thyroid carcinoma refractory to radioactive iodine
  • Author/Co-Author: AIFA (Italy), INFARMED (Portugal)
  • Dedicated Reviewers: RIZIV-INAMI (Belgium), FIMEA (Finland), GYEMSZI (Hungary), NCPE (Ireland), MoH Slovak Republic (Slovakia)

G-BA assessment not available
Reason: First launch of Sorafenib was in 2010 (pre-AMNOG).